SSC Seminar Series: Scott Rutherford

Scott Rutherford, PhD Candidate, Department of History, Queen's University

Wednesday, March 2nd
12:30pm to 1:30pm
Mackintosh-Corry Hall, Room D411
** Please note the day change to Wednesday**

“Surveillance, provocation and the politics of protests in Canada during the 1970s”

By all accounts, Douglas Durham and Warren Hart were unaware of each other’s presence; yet they share a common history. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the FBI recruited them to infiltrate and spy on social movements in the United States. Hart helped form Baltimore’s chapter of the Black Panther Party, while Durham quickly rose through the ranks of the American Indian Movement. By 1974, however, both were surveilling social movements in Canada. They were especially interested in protests by Indigenous peoples that advocated Red Power. In this presentation, I will discuss how Hart and Durham, often acting as surveillance agents and as provocateurs, significantly shaped the politics and culture of Red Power protests. Additionally, I will discuss the most important legacies, both for movements of the period and for people involved in social justice organizing in the present, of the brief time Hart and Durham each spent in Canada during the 1970s.

Everyone welcome!