
Featured Publications

Pandemic Surveillance

Pandemic Surveillance, by David Lyon
Pandemic Surveillance
David Lyon
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted life as we knew it. Lockdowns, self-isolation and quarantine have become a normal part of everyday life. Pandemic surveillance allows governments and corporations...

Big Data and Surveillance: Hype, Commercial Logics and New Intimate Spheres

Kirstie Ball and William Webster (Guest Lead Editors)
Big data analytics promises to help companies and public sector service providers anticipate consumer and service user behaviours so they can be targeted in greater depth. The attempts made by these...

Big Data Surveillance and Security Intelligence: The Canadian Case

Big Data Surveillance and Security Intelligence: The Canadian Case
Edited by David Lyon and David Murakami Wood
Additional publication information: 
Edited by David Lyon and David Murakami Wood
Intelligence gathering is in a state of flux. Enabled by massive computing power, new modes of communications analysis now touch the lives of citizens around the globe – not just those conventionally...

Data-Driven Elections

Colin Bennett and David Lyon (Eds)

The Culture of Surveillance: Watching as a Way of Life

The Culture of Surveillance
David Lyon
From 9/11 to the Snowden leaks, stories about surveillance increasingly dominate the headlines. But security and police agencies or internet and phone companies are not the only players. Surveillance...

Left to their own Devices? Privacy Implications of Wearable Technology in Canadian Workplaces

Steven Richardson and Debra Mackinnon
Research funded by the Contributions Program of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.

Surveillance After Snowden

Surveillance After Snowden
David Lyon
In 2013, Edward Snowden revealed that the NSA and its partners had been engaging in warrantless mass surveillance, using the internet and cellphone data, and driven by fear of terrorism under the...

Transparent Lives: Surveillance in Canada / Vivre a nu: La surveillance au Canada

Transparent Lives: Surveillance in Canada
The New Transparency Project
Although most Canadians are familiar with surveillance cameras and airport security, relatively few are aware of the extent to which the potential for surveillance is now embedded in virtually every...

Liquid Surveillance: A Conversation

Liquid Surveillance: A Conversation
David Lyon and Zygmunt Bauman
Today the smallest details of our daily lives are tracked and traced more closely than ever before, and those who are monitored often cooperate willingly with the monitors. From London and New York...
Title Author(s) Type Yearsort ascending
Pandemic Surveillance David Lyon Books 2022
Data-Driven Elections Colin Bennett and David Lyon (Eds) Journal Articles 2020
Big Data Surveillance and Security Intelligence: The Canadian Case Edited by David Lyon and David Murakami Wood Books 2020
Big Data and Surveillance: Hype, Commercial Logics and New Intimate Spheres Kirstie Ball and William Webster (Guest Lead Editors) Journal Articles 2020
WhatsApp and Political Instability in Brazil: Targeted Messages and Political Radicalization Rafael de Almeida Evangelista Conference and Workshop Papers 2019
Surveillance Studies: A Reader Edited by Torin Monahan & David Murakami Wood Books 2018
The Culture of Surveillance: Watching as a Way of Life David Lyon Books 2018
Big Data Surveillance: List of Publications BDS Other Research Publications 2018
Left to their own Devices? Privacy Implications of Wearable Technology in Canadian Workplaces Steven Richardson and Debra Mackinnon Research Reports 2017
Privacy Research: A Review Linying Dong and Yolande Chan Other Journal-Targeted Manuscripts in Progress 2016
Information Privacy Orientation: How Organizations View Privacy Differently Kathleen E. Greenaway, Yolande E. Chan and Peggy H. Cunningham Journal Articles Under Review 2016
Surveillance After Snowden David Lyon Books 2015
The Private Security State? Surveillance, Consumer Data and the War on Terror Kirstie Ball, Ana Canhoto, Elizabeth Daniel, Sally Dibb, Maureen Meadows and Keith Spiller Books 2015
Transparent Lives: Surveillance in Canada / Vivre a nu: La surveillance au Canada The New Transparency Project Books 2014
The Surveillance-Industrial Complex: A Political Economy of Surveillance Kirstie Ball and Laureen Snider Books 2013
Colonial Oversight Elia Zureik Public Dissemination Venues 2013
Liquid Surveillance: A Conversation David Lyon and Zygmunt Bauman Books 2012
Technocrime: Policing and Surveillance Edited by Stéphane Leman-Langlois Books 2012
Social Media as Surveillance Daniel Trottier Books 2012
Routledge Handbook of Surveillance Studies Co-edited by Kirstie Ball, Kevin Haggerty and David Lyon Books 2012
Eyes Everywhere: The Global Growth of Camera Surveillance Edited by Aaron Doyle, Randy Lippert and David Lyon Books 2011
Security Games: Surveillance and Control at Mega-Events Edited by Colin Bennett and Kevin Haggerty Books 2011
Surveillance Society: Monitoring Everyday Life David Lyon Books 2011
Liquid surveillance: The contribution of Zygmunt Bauman to surveillance studies David Lyon Journal Articles 2010
Being post-secular in the social sciences: Charles Taylor’s social imaginaries David Lyon Journal Articles 2010
National IDs in a global world: Surveillance, security and citizenship David Lyon Journal Articles 2010
Surveillance in the Time of Insecurity Torin Monahan Books 2010
Surveillance and Democracy Kevin D. Haggerty and Minas Samatas eds. Books 2010
Cities Under Siege: The New Military Urbanism Stephen Graham Books 2010
Surveillance and Control in Israel/Palestine Edited by Elia Zureik, David Lyon, and Yasmeen Abu-Laban Books 2010
Surveillance, Privacy, and the Globalization of Personal Information: International Comparisons Edited by Elia Zureik, L. Lynda Harling Stalker, Emily Smith, David Lyon, and Yolande E. Chan Books 2010
Ten Thousand Times Larger: Anticipating the Expansion of Surveillance Kevin D. Haggerty Book Chapters 2009
Identifying Citizens: ID Cards as Surveillance David Lyon Books 2009
Surveillance and Political Problems Kevin D. Haggerty Book Chapters 2009
Exposure: Exploring the Subject of Surveillance Information Kirstie Ball Journal Articles 2009
Lessons from the Identity Trail: Anonymity, Privacy and Identity in a Networked Society Edited by Ian Kerr, Valerie Steeves and Carole Lucock Books 2009
Unsafe at any Altitude: The Comparative Politics of No-Fly Lists in the United States and Canada Colin J. Bennett Book Chapters 2008
The Politics of Site/Sight: Locating Cameras in Vancouver's Public Spaces Kevin D. Haggerty, Laura Huey and Richard V. Ericson Journal Articles 2008
Politics at the Airport Edited by Mark B. Salter Books 2008
Biometrics, Identification and Surveillance David Lyon Journal Articles 2008
Possibilities for post-secular sociology? On Charles Taylor, A Secular Age (Review Essay) David Lyon Journal Articles 2008
Playing the ID card: understanding the significance of identity card systems David Lyon and Colin Bennett Book Chapters 2008
Le 11 septembre, la « guerre au terrorisme » et la surveillance généralisée David Lyon Book Chapters 2008
Filtering flows, friends, and foes: Global surveillance David Lyon Book Chapters 2008
Taking the Plunge: Open Access at the Canadian Journal of Sociology Kevin D. Haggerty Journal Articles 2008
The Privacy Advocates: Resisting the Spread of Surveillance Colin J. Bennett Books 2008
Identity Theft and the Care of the Virtual Self Jennifer Whitson and Kevin D. Haggerty Journal Articles 2008
Playing the Identity Card: Surveillance, Security and Identification in Global Perspective Edited by David Lyon and Colin Bennett Books 2008
National ID cards: Crime control, citizenship and social sorting David Lyon Journal Articles 2007
Sociological Perspectives and Surveillance Studies: 'Slow Journalism' and the Critique of Social Sorting (Review Essay) David Lyon Journal Articles 2007
A Synthetic Theory of Law and Technology Jason Pridmore and Arthur Cockfield Journal Articles 2007
Technology, Privacy and Justice Edited by Arthur Cockfield, Lisa M. Austin and Patrick Molinari Books 2007
Surveillance, power, and everyday life David Lyon Book Chapters 2007
Surveillance Studies: An Overview David Lyon Books 2007
Introduction: Overview of Technological Challenges to Privacy and Security Arthur Cockfield and Lisa M. Austin Book Chapters 2007
Surveillance in Urban Japan: A Critical Introduction Murakami Wood, D., Lyon, D. and Abe, K. Journal Articles 2007
Protecting the Social Value of Privacy in the Context of State Investigations Using New Technologies Arthur Cockfield Journal Articles 2007
Surveillance, Security and Social Sorting: Emerging Research Priorities David Lyon Journal Articles 2007
Governmentalities of an Airport: Heterotopia and Confession Mark B. Salter Journal Articles 2007
In the shadow of Canada's camps Martin French Journal Articles 2007
Surveillance, security, and social sorting: the emerging research agenda David Lyon Journal Articles 2007
Outwardly Mobile: Young People and Mobile Technologies Nicola Green Book Chapters 2007
Theorizing Surveillance: The Panopticon and Beyond Edited by David Lyon Books 2006
Extracting Latent Factors from Survey Data David Skillicorn and Alison Larsen Journal Articles 2006
Airport screening, surveillance and social sorting: Canadian responses to 9/11 in context David Lyon Journal Articles 2006
9/11, synopticon and scopophilia: Watching and being watched David Lyon Book Chapters 2006
A Report on the Surveillance Society for the Information Commissioner by the Surveillance Studies Network David Lyon et al. Online Publications 2006
The Governance of Privacy: Policy Instruments in Global Perspective Colin J. Bennett and Charles Raab Books 2006
Negotiating Electronic Surveillance in the Workplace: A Study of Collective Agreements in Canada Simon Kiss and Vincent Mosco Journal Articles 2005
What happens when you book an airline ticket? The collection and processing of passenger data post-9/11 Colin J. Bennett Book Chapters 2005
Global Citizens and Local Powers: Surveillance in Turkey Cagatay Topal Journal Articles 2005
The Digital Sublime: Myth, Power, and Cyberspace Vincent Mosco Books 2005
Global Surveillance and Policing: Borders, security, identity Edited by Elia Zureik and Mark B. Salter Books 2005
NAFTA Tax Law and Policy: Resolving the Clash between Economic and Sovereignty Concerns Arthur Cockfield Journal Articles 2005
Antecedents and Outcomes of Customer Information Privacy Orientation: A Contingency Framework Kathleen Greenaway and Yolande Chan Conference Manuscripts Under Review 2005
Detecting Unusual and Deceptive Communication in Email David Skillicorn and P.S. Keila Journal Articles 2005
Consumer Power in the Digital Society Zureik, E. and Abbe Mowshowitz Journal Articles 2005
The border is everywhere: ID cards, surveillance and the other David Lyon Book Chapters 2005
A sociology of information David Lyon Book Chapters 2005
At the Threshold of Security: A Theory of Borders Mark B. Salter Book Chapters 2005
Theoretical Explanations for Firms' Information Privacy Behaviors Kathleen Greenaway and Yolande Chan Journal Articles 2005
The New Politics of Surveillance and Visibility Edited by Kevin D. Haggerty and Richard V. Ericson Books 2005
Who and What Goes Where? Global Policing and Surveillance Mark B. Salter and Elia Zureik Book Chapters 2005
Information Privacy: Management, Marketplace, and Legal Challenges Kathleen Greenaway, Yolande Chan, Mary J. Culnan, Gary Laden, Toby Levin and H. Jeff Smith Journal Articles 2005
Information Privacy: Management: Proactive vs. Reactive Approaches Presentations 2004
Biometrics and Databases Presentations 2004
Conceptual Framework for the Study of ICT in the Arab World with Special Reference to Palestine Elia Zureik Conference and Workshop Papers 2004
ID Cards: Social Sorting by Database David Lyon Online Publications 2004
Globalization of Personal Data Project International Survey Concept Paper Elia Zureik Conference and Workshop Papers 2004
Overview of Public Opinion Research Regarding Privacy (Appendix A) Elia Zureik Conference and Workshop Papers 2004
A Comparative Analysis of Canadian and Foreign Private Sector Privacy Laws Arthur Cockfield Journal Articles 2004
Someone to Watch Over Me Articles in Professional Periodicals and Newspapers 2004
Towards a Law and Technology Theory Arthur Cockfield Journal Articles 2004
Governance, Security and Technology: The Case of Biometrics Zureik, E. with contribution from Karen Hindle Journal Articles 2004
The State of Privacy Laws and Privacy-Encroaching Technologies after September 11: A Two-Year Report Card on the Canadian Government Arthur Cockfield Journal Articles 2004
Technology vs. 'Terrorism': Circuits of City Surveillance Since September 11 David Lyon Book Chapters 2004
The Mobile Society: technology and social action Nicola Green, G. Cooper, R. Harper and G. Murtagh Books 2004
Surveillance Technologies: Trends and Social Implications David Lyon Book Chapters 2004
Globalizing Surveillance: Comparative and Sociological Perspectives David Lyon Journal Articles 2004
Airports as Data Filters: Converging Surveillance Systems after September 11 David Lyon Journal Articles 2003
The Intensification of Surveillance Kirstie Ball and Frank Webster Contributions to Edited Volumes 2003
Competing through Information Privacy Yolande Chan Refereed Book Chapters 2003
The Constant State of Emergency David Murakami Wood, E. Konvitz and Kirstie Ball Contributions to Edited Volumes 2003
Privacy in the New Millennium. Presentations 2003
The Privacy Commissioner of Canada: Multiple Roles, Diverse Expectations and Structural Dilemmas Colin J. Bennett Journal Articles 2003
Privacy and Mobile Commerce Symposium Presentations 2003
The Intensification of Surveillance: Crime, Terrorism and Warfare in the Information Age Kirstie Ball and Frank Webster Books 2003
Surveillance after September 11 David Lyon Books 2003
Who Knows What about Whom? Towards a Generalized Surveillance Elia Zureik Conference and Workshop Papers 2003
The Labours of Surveillance Kirstie Ball Journal Articles 2003
Rights of Passage: The Passport in International Relations Mark B. Salter Books 2003
How does Personal Data get Used? Queen's-led Study to Find Articles in Professional Periodicals and Newspapers 2003
Post-9/11 Surveillance Crosses Borders, “Ordinary People” Articles in Professional Periodicals and Newspapers 2003
Who Watches the Watchers? A Law and Technology Perspective on Government and Private Sector Surveillance Arthur Cockfield Journal Articles 2003
“Is Your Palm Pilot an Open Book?” Yolande Chan Articles in Professional Periodicals and Newspapers 2003
Privacy in Canadian Health Networks: Challenges and Opportunities S. Keith Mills, Rico S. Yao and Yolande E. Chan Journal Articles 2003
Competing Through Information Privacy in the Knowledge Age Yolande Chan Other Research Publications 2003
Who's Watching Whom? Surveillance, Regulation and Accountability in Mobile Relations Nicola Green Book Chapters 2002
Surveillance in Cyberspace: The Internet, Personal Data, and Social Control David Lyon Journal Articles 2002
Information Policy and Information Privacy: International Arenas of Governance Colin J. Bennett Book Chapters 2002
Privacy Orientation: A Competing Values Explanation of Why Organizations Vary in their Treatment of Customer Information Kathleen E. Greenaway, Yolande E. Chan and Peggy H. Cunningham Refereed Conference Proceedings 2002
Categorizing the workers: Electronic surveillance and social ordering in the call centre Kirstie Ball Contributions to Edited Volumes 2002
Electronic identity cards and social classification David Lyon and Felix Stalder Book Chapters 2002
Research Opportunities: Choices to be Made Presentations 2002
Surveillance Studies: Understanding Visibility, Mobility, and the Phenetic Fix David Lyon Journal Articles 2002
On the Move: technology, mobility, and the mediation of social time and space Nicola Green Journal Articles 2002
Preparing SSHRC Applications: Lessons Learned Presentations 2002
Elements of surveillance: A new framework and future directions Kirstie Ball Journal Articles 2002
Surveillance as Social Sorting: Privacy, Risk, and Digital Discrimination Edited by David Lyon Books 2002
Surveillance Studies: Understanding Visibility, Mobility, and the Phenetic Fix David Lyon Online Publications 2002
Theorizing Surveillance: The Case of the Workplace Elia Zureik Journal Articles 2002
Wireless World: Social, Cultural and Interactional Issues in Mobile Communications and Computing Nicola Green, B. Brown and R. Harper Books 2002
Interview with Neural magazine (in Italian) intervista a Richard Stallman Società sorvegliate, intervista a David Lyon (autore di Surveillance Society) Online Publications 2002
Social Cognition and Social Ordering within the Context of a Health Network Yann B. Malara and Yolande E. Chan Refereed Conference Proceedings 2001
Cookies, web bugs, webcams and cue cats: Patterns of Surveillance on the World Wide Web Colin J. Bennett Journal Articles 2001
Intelligent Transportation Systems and Geodemographic Practice Presentations 2001
Facing the Future: Seeking Ethics for Everyday Surveillance David Lyon Journal Articles 2001
How Everyday Life came Virtual: mundane work at the juncture of production and consumption Nicola Green Journal Articles 2001
Situating workplace surveillance: Ethics and computer based performance monitoring Kirstie Ball Journal Articles 2001
Cyberspace: Beyond Information Society David Lyon Book Chapters 2001
Little brothers are watching you: A review of David Lyon's 'Surveillance Society' Kirstie Ball Journal Articles 2001
Constructing Palestine through Surveillance Practices Elia Zureik Journal Articles 2001
Surveillance after September 11 David Lyon Online Publications 2001
The use of Human Resource Information Systems: A survey Kirstie Ball Journal Articles 2001
Surveillance and privacy in a networked world David Lyon Online Publications 2000
Surveillance and privacy in a networked world David Lyon Online Publications 2000
Human Resource Information Systems: Opportunity or Threat? Kirstie Ball Research Reports 2000
Beyond Cyberspace: Digital Dreams and Social Bodies David Lyon Journal Articles 2000
Simulant sorting in the city: and everyone is watching everyone David Lyon Journal Articles 2000
The net, the self, and the future: Manuel Castells' The Information Age David Lyon Journal Articles 2000
The Vision Machine David Lyon Online Publications 2000
Power, control and computer based performance monitoring: A subjectivist approach to repertoires and resistance Kirstie Ball and Dean Wilson Journal Articles 2000
Postmodernity David Lyon Book Chapters 1999
Postmodernity David Lyon Book Chapters 1999
Visions of Privacy: Policy Choices for the Digital Age Edited by Colin J. Bennett and Rebecca Grant Books 1999
The world-wide-web of surveillance: the Internet and off-world power flows David Lyon Book Chapters 1998
The Distribution of Privacy Risks: Who Needs Protection? Colin J. Bennett Journal Articles 1998
Deregulating Telecommunications: The Workers' View Elia Zureik and Vincent Mosco Journal Articles 1998
Surveillance Systems: towards an electronic panoptical society? Online Publications 1997
The end of privacy David Lyon Journal Articles 1997
The Internet: beyond ethics? David Lyon Journal Articles 1997
Cyberspace sociality: controversies over computer-mediated communication David Lyon Journal Articles 1997
Adequate Data Protection by the Year 2000: The Prospects for Privacy in Canada Colin J. Bennett Journal Articles 1997
The Adequacy of Privacy: The European Union Data Protection Directive and the North American Response Colin J. Bennett and Charles Raab Journal Articles 1997
Computers, Surveillance, and Privacy Edited by Elia Zureik and David Lyon Books 1996
Protecting Privacy on the Canadian Information Highway: Policy Developments and Regulatory Options Colin J. Bennett Journal Articles 1996
Taking the Measure of Privacy: Can Data Protection be Evaluated? Colin J. Bennett and Charles Raab Journal Articles 1996
Rules of the Road and Level-Playing Fields: The Politics of Data Protection in Canada's Private Sector Colin J. Bennett Journal Articles 1996
Protecting Privacy Across Borders: European Policies and Prospects Colin J. Bennett and Charles Raab Journal Articles 1994
The Electronic Eye: The Rise of Surveillance Society David Lyon Books 1994
Regulating Privacy: Data Protection and Public Policy in Europe and the United States Colin J. Bennett Books 1992
Telephone Workers' Perception of Management Strategy and Union Reaction to New Technology Elia Zureik, Vincent Mosco and Clarence Lochead Journal Articles 1988
The Social Context of Information and Communication Technology: A Bibliography Elia Zureik and Dianne Hartling Books 1987