IFIP IDMAN '07 Conference

Will be held at RSM Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands on October 11-12, 2007

The world of the 21st century is, more than ever, global and impersonal. Criminal and terrorist threats, both physical and on the internet, increase by the day. The demand for better methods of identification and access control is growing, not only in companies and organisations but also in the world at large. Identity management is put under pressure, due to the growing number of frauds who want to hide their true identity.

Identity management challenges the information security research community to focus on interdisciplinary and holistic approaches while retaining the benefits of previous research efforts.

National identity management plays a central role, not only in immigration and border control processes but also in identity management and access control processes of many companies and organisations around the world. New employees are asked for a passport when entering a company. Clients of a bank are legally obliged to show a passport when opening a new account. This raises many security and privacy questions.

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