Elia Zureik

Professor Emeritus, Department of Sociology, Queen's University, Canada

Professor Emeritus Elia Zureik
Professor Emeritus Elia Zureik

Life after Retiring in 2005

To keep one’s mind active while getting old, I am told, is a good recipe for fending off Alzheimer's and keeping visits to the doctor’s office at bay. What I did not pay enough attention to is the second prescription, namely to keep the body active as well. I compiled a list of publications to show what I have done since retiring in 2005.

2019 - Winter     Visiting researcher in the Arab Research Center, Doha Qatar
2014-2016    Professor and Head of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies

2012-2014; 2016    Guest Editor of Omran, a refereed social science journal that is published in Arabic by the Arab Research Center in Doha, Qatar (the theme of these issues is surveillance and privacy in the Arab World)

Refereed books:

Israel’s Colonial Project in Palestine: Brutal Pursuit, Routledge, London 2016

Coedited with David Lyon and Yasmeen Abu-Laban, Surveillance and Control in Israel/Palestine: Population, Territory and Power, Routledge, London, 2011.

Coedited with David Lyon, Emily Smith, Lynda Stalker, and Yolnade Chan Surveillance, The Globalization of Personal Data: International Comparisons, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2008

Coedited with Mark Salter, Global Surveillance and Policing: Borders, Security and Identity, Willan Publishing, London, 2005.

Journal publications

“Qatar’s Humanitarian Aid to Palestine,” Third World Quarterly, Fall 2017, Pp. 1-17.

“Strategies of Surveillance: The Israeli Gaze,” Jerusalem Quarterly, No. 66, 2016, Pp. 12-38.

Pending journal publications

"Methodological Issues in the Development of Social Science in the Arab World", to be published in Omran, an Arabic social science journal, January 2020.

"Donald Trump’s Punitive Politics and the Palestine Question: A Gaze into his Psychological Makeup and Business Ethics", to be published in The Journal of Holy LAND and Palestine Studies, Fall 2019.

Work in progress

"Settler Colonialism, Neoliberalism and Cyber Surveillance: The Case of Israel", in submission.
Netanyahu’s Only Democracy in the Middle East, in preparation.