Politics of / at the Airport

Politics of/at the Airport: Integrated Program

Italics: Leading Change: The Canadian Aviation Security Conference
Bold: "Moving Targets" (Academic workshop)

Day 1

8:30am Breakfast and Official Conference Opening

  • Cliff Mackay, President & CEO, Air Transport Association of Canada (ATAC)
  • John Reid, President, Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATA)

9:00am Keynote Address:
Robert Milton, Air Canada, Chairman, President and CEO, ACE Aviation Holdings INc.

9:30am Plenary: Terrorism: Three Views - One Mission

To be effective in overcoming terrorism, we need to understand why it occurs. Any effective strategy against terrorism requires knowing what motivates this form of violence against innocent civilians. Assessing the threat of terrorism and solutions to mitigate risks will continue to evolve. This panel will address the distinct approaches taken by the Israel, U.K, and Canada.
Moderator: Lionel Alain Dupuis, Permanent representative of Canada on the ICAO Council and first vice-president of the Council

10:30am Break

10:45am Plenary
Terrorism and Canada's Response: Government Air Transportation Environment: Recognizing the Threats to Civil Aviation - Developing Effective Countermeasures for Today and Tomorrow

Canada's National Security Policy sets out an integrated strategy and action plan designed to address current and future threats. The policy will be complemented by the Transportation Security Strategy which is being drafted and will set the direction for aviation security. But terrorism is a moving target that is constantly evolving. This panel will present how the landscape has changed in the past several years and how Canada is positioned to address these changes.
Moderator: Margaret Purdy, Special Advisor to the Deputy Minister of Transport

  • William Elliott, National Security Advisor to Prime Minister
  • Louis Ranger, Deputy Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, Transport Canada
  • Jacques Duchesneau, President & CEO, CATSA

12:00pm Lunch and Exhibitor Show

2:00pm Plenary
Terrorism and Canada's Response: Industry Air Transportation Environment: Recognizing the Threats to Civil Aviation - Developing Effective Countermeasures for Today and Tomorrow

When Canada launched its major changes to aviation security three years ago, the landscape was very different. This panel of industry representatives has taken the time to pause and reflect on how to move forward efficiently and effectively.
Moderator: Margaret Purdy, Special Advisor to the Deputy Minister of Transport

  • Mike Skrobica, VP Industry and Monetary Affairs, Air Transport Association of Canada
  • Jim Cherry, President and CEO, Aéroports de Montréal and Chairman of the CAC
  • Derek Devitt, Managing Director, Marsh Canada

3:15pm Break

3:30pm ACADEMIC: Terrorism, Crime, and Security

  • David Lyon: Borders, Bodies, and Biometrics: Framing Airport Security (Chair)
    Queen's UniversityRey Koslowski/ Gallya Lahav: Migration and Security
  • SUNY-Albany/Stoneybrook
  • Heather Cameron: Comparative Airport Studies
    Berlin Technical University

5:00pm Exhibitor Reception and Show

6:30pm Kip Hawley, Asst Secretary, Dept of Homeland Security/Transportation Security Administration

Aviation Security Dinner

8:00pm Keynote Speaker: The Honorable Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Transportation, Infrastructure and Communities

Day 2

7:00am Breakfast & Networking

8:30am Plenary Debate
Security and Privacy Issues: The Challenge for Aviation

A wide range of human rights and civil liberties organizations have expressed concerns about the emerging desire of aviation security stakeholders to use databases and technologies like biometrics, no-fly lists, closed circuit camera systems etc. Can the aviation sector increase confidence in travel documents, reduce fraud, combat terrorism and protect aviation without infringing on human rights or civil liberties?
Moderator: TBA

9:30am Concurrent 1-A
Biometric Identifiers and the Modern Face of Terror

Biometrics can have a huge role to play in the global war on terrorism. Canadian technology is among the best in the world. This panel will discuss how Canadian industry can best position itself to play on this world stage.
Moderator: Elia Zureik, Queen's University

  • Bill Willis, Senior VP, ImageWare
  • Javed Ahed, Chief Software Architect, Neotel Inc.
  • Benjamin Muller, Simon Fraser University

Concurrent 1-B
Technology and Research That Makes a Difference

In this era of convergence, existing technologies have not and are not being adapted to security applications. For example, space-based satellites and sensors being used to guide weapons systems, map cities and study the weather could be transitioned to aviation security. Hear Canadian industry representatives profile state-of-the art technologies that have potential aviation security applications.
Moderator: John Reid, President, CATAAlliance

  • Rockey Stefano, CEO, Identita Technologies Inc.
  • Sal Khan, Chair, IMC Security Inc.
  • Sylvain Patry, VP Sales and Marketing, Unicom Canada

10:30am Break

10:45am Academic: Cases and Concepts

  • Jean-Paul Brodeur: Terror and Crime
    Université de Montréal
  • Michael Curry: Airport Security and the Ecology of Attention and Forgetting
  • Colin Bennett: The Politics of No-fly Lists in Canada and the United States
    University of Victoria

12:00pm Lunch Plenary: Funding for Aviation Security
Moderator: Paul Brent, CTV Ottawa

  • Louis Levesque, Assoc Deputy Minister, Dept. Of Finance
  • Cliff Mackay, President & CEO, ATAC
  • Jim Facette, President and CEO, CAC

2:00pm Plenary: Threat Based Security for Tomorrow
Moderator: John Kaldeway, President & CEO, GTAA

  • Chen Chung Hsin "Curb to Curb"
    MITRE Aviation Institute
  • Mark Salter "Thinking through risk for aviation security"
  • John Kern, Special Advisor, Joint Planning & Development Office (JPDO)

3:00pm Break

3:15pm Academic: theories and ethics

  • Debbie Lisle: Mediations at the Airport
    Queen's University Belfast
  • Peter Adey: Mobilities and Modulations: The Airport as a Difference Machine
    University of Wales Aberstywyth
  • Mark Salter: Governmentalities of the Airport
    University of Ottawa

4:30pm Conference Wrap-up & Closing Remarks

  • Marc Grégoire, ADM, Transport Canada
  • Jim Facette, President & CEO, CAC
  • Jacques Duchesneau, President and CEO, CATSA

5:00pm Conference Closed