David Lyon

Pandemic Surveillance by David Lyon

See David Lyon's latest book publication, Pandemic Surveillance , Polity Press, January 2022.

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted life as we knew it. Lockdowns, self-isolation and quarantine have become a normal part of everyday life. Pandemic surveillance allows governments and corporations to monitor and surveil the spread of the virus and to make sure citizens follow the measures they...

David Lyon retires from Queen's; remains P.I. of Big Data Surveillance

The Surveillance Studies Centre wishes to announce that David Lyon retired from Queen’s University on June 30 2021. Lyon was appointed at Queen’s University in 1991 as an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology, and later promoted to Full Professor in 1994. He is cross-appointed to the Faculty of Law, is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada,...

David Lyon speaking on Pandemic Surveillance

David Lyon giving a talk in the Bradford Alumni Speakers Series on "Pandemic surveillance: from hasty responses to data justice" Tuesday 16 March, 18:00-19:00 GMT, Online

More info here

Abstract Many of the massive, global surveillance responses to the Covid-19 pandemic have been developed without sufficient thought, or sufficient reflection on previous events—like 9/11—that also...

SSC Virtual Seminar: Book Launch: David Lyon and David Murakami Wood, Surveillance Studies Centre, Queen's University

Book Launch: Big Data Surveillance and Security Intelligence:
The Canadian Case
Edited by David Lyon and David Murakami Wood
UBC Press, December 2020

Big Data Surveillance and Security Intelligence: The Canadian Case

For more information about the book, see here.


Wednesday, March 24, 2021

12:30 – 1:30 pm

*Due to the limited capacity of the online-meeting platform,...

BDS Book Published!

Big Data Surveillance and Security Intelligence: The Canadian Case Edited by David Lyon and David Murakami Wood UBC Press December 2020

For more information about the book, see here .

David Lyon’s 'The Culture of Surveillance' translated into Italian

See: La cultura della sorveglianza by David Lyon, Settembre 2020 "Altro che Grande Fratello, siamo tutti controllori" di JAIME D'ALESSANDRO, La Repubblica , 08 Settembre 2020 Esce in Italia La cultura della sorveglianza, il saggio dello studioso scozzese David Lyon. "È un fenomeno generale, ormai ciascuno di noi è una...
