University of Ottawa

SSC Seminar Series: Patrick O'Byrne

Patrick O’Byrne

Assistant Professor

School of Nursing

Faculty of Health Sciences

University of Ottawa

Public Health STI/HIV Surveillance: Exploring the Society of Control

Thursday, March 4th

12:30pm to 1:30pm

Mackintosh-Corry Hall, Room D-411

While Foucault asserted that the sovereign style of rule had disappeared, instead replaced by a disciplinary...

Call for Papers: The Politics of Surveillance, May 8-10, 2014

Universityof Ottawa

The organizers are seeking written paper contributionsfrom scholars and activists who are working in areas closely related to thequestion of how thegovernmental and corporate surveillance might best bechallenged, regulated, resisted or reversed. Abstracts due 10 January 2014 .

EventSponsor: The New Transparency , a SSHRC Major Collaborative Research Initiative EventHost:University of Ottawa Thoughcivil society advocates,...
