Surveillance Studies Centre

Feb 11: The Day We Fight Back

On February 11th Canadian individuals, community groups and businesses will join people around the world for "The Day We Fight Back" -- A day of action against dragnet surveillance.

Visit to take action.

Public Lecture: John Stackhouse "Media and Democracy in a Digital Age"

Wednesday 13 November 2013 7pm Currie Hall, RMC

Royal Military College (Kingston, ON) presents John Stackhouse, Editor-in-Chief, The Globe and Mail

Media and Democracy in a Digital Age

Open to the Public Sponsored by the Department of Political Science

Call for Papers: The Politics of Surveillance, May 8-10, 2014

Universityof Ottawa

The organizers are seeking written paper contributionsfrom scholars and activists who are working in areas closely related to thequestion of how thegovernmental and corporate surveillance might best bechallenged, regulated, resisted or reversed. Abstracts due 10 January 2014 .

EventSponsor: The New Transparency , a SSHRC Major Collaborative Research Initiative EventHost:University of Ottawa Thoughcivil society advocates,...

Crime, Immigration and Surveillance Workshop @ Queen’s Nov 7 & 8, 2013

This workshop brings together experts on criminal law and theory, migration law and surveillance studies from a variety of traditions and jurisdictions. This workshop is open to faculty and students of Queen’s University. However, space is limited and advance registration is required.

If you wish to attend, please register with Megan Hamilton by Friday Nov. 1....

Professor David Lyon named to UK academy

Queen’s University professor David Lyon (Sociology) was recently inducted as an academician into the Academy of Social Sciences (AcSS) in the United Kingdom. By Anne Craig, Communications Officer, Queen's News Centre

Sept 17, 2013: Queen’s University professor David Lyon (Sociology) was recently inducted as an academician into the Academy of Social Sciences (AcSS) in the United Kingdom. This year...

Charles D. Gonthier Research Fellowship

Canadian university professors and graduate students are invited to submit by November 30, 2013 a research project on Privacy in the Age of Information. A panel will award $7,500 to the recipient of the Charles D. Gonthier Research Fellowship. For additional information, go to CIAJ’s website at .

Congratulations Amelia Cheston

News from Queen's Sociology department: "I am pleased to inform you that on June 24, 2013, Amelia Cheston successfully defended her Master’s thesis, “The Price of Loyalty: A Gendered Analysis of Consumer Surveillance”. Her supervisor was David Lyon and the members of the examining committee included Rob Beamish, chair and department head, Martin Hand as the internal examiner and Jay...

Call for Papers: Surveillance, Games and Play

Theme Issue of Surveillance & Society edited by: Jennifer R. Whitson and Bart Simon submission deadline: September 15th 2013 for publication March 2014.

The games we play on our computers, iPads, and video game consoles are watching us. They track our every online move and send data on who we are, how we play, and whom we...

Call for Papers: The Practice of Surveillance in the Arab World

Colonial versus Authoritarian Surveillance Special Issue of Omran, Autumn 2013 Deadline: April 30

Omran, a quarterly refereed journal of the social sciences and humanities which is published in Arabic by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies in Doha, Qatar, invites submissions of scholarly papers to a special issue whose focus is the practice of surveillance in the...

POSITION AVAILABLE: Post-doctoral Fellowship

Applications for a Post-doctoral Fellowship are sought within a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)-funded project on The New Transparency at Queen's University in Kingston, Canada.

This is a seven-year Major Collaborative Research Initiative (MCRI) project (2008-2015). The successful applicant will be working with The New Transparency research team to support the online dissemination...
