Surveillance Studies Centre

Smart Cities: The City of the Future?

What does a smart city look like?

Will technology rule?

Or, should technology be a means to an end in creating a good city where diverse human beings can flourish?

David Murakami Wood’s research starts with these fundamental questions to define the concept of a smart city, and then assess the smart city...

Data-driven elections and the key questions about voter surveillance

By David Lyon and Colin Bennett, The Conversation , August 5, 2019

Using data during election campaigns is nothing new. But as the Canadian federal election approaches, authorities must be diligent that data tracking doesn't become surveillance. Read more

Watch Video: In Conversation with Carole Cadwalladr

Brexit, Facebook and Cambridge Analytica: The reporting and investigation of a scandal 6:00pm - 7:30pm (Pacific Time) April 30 Fraser Building, Room 159 University of Victoria, BC

Watch Video here

A public talk about privacy issues and the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica scandal with Carole Cadwalladr, UK journalist and...

Launch of Screening Surveillance

Please join us for the launch of the Screening Surveillance Film series. _____________________________________

Monday April 8th, 4:00pm - 7:00pm THE SCREENING ROOM 120 Princess Street, Second Floor, Kingston, Ontario K7L 5M6

_____________________________________ Featuring: BLAXITES : the story of a young woman whose celebratory social media post affects her access to vital medication....

Call for Applications: Surveillance Studies Summer Seminar 2019

Are you a PhD student?

Do you have PhD students?

The next Surveillance Studies Summer Seminar takes place 17 - 22 June 2019 at Queen's University, Kingston, Canada. This is an opportunity...

Proportional representation isn't all about the data

By Colin Bennett, Opinion, Times Colonist , November 4, 2018

Cambridge Analytica was a symptom of a pervasive belief that elections are now won with data, says Colin Bennett, a political science professor at the University of Victoria. He contends that these practices are far less common in countries that have multi-party systems rooted in elections based on proportional...

Questions remain over political party data practices after recent testimony, says expert Colin Bennett

by Laura Ryckewaert, The Hill Times , November 5, 2018

Little has been learned and questions remain after the recent and unprecedented House committee appearance by representatives from Canada’s major political parties, who spoke about and took questions on parties’ collection, use, and protection of personal data, says University of Victoria professor and privacy expert Colin Bennett. Read...

Call For Papers: Data-driven Elections

The Big Data Surveillance (BDS) project, centered at Queen’s University, and funded by a Partnership Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), in collaboration with the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia (OIPCBC) is organizing a research workshop on “Data-Driven Elections: Implications and Challenges for Democratic Societies” to be held in Victoria, B.C....

David Lyon recognized

Congratulations to Queen's Professor David Lyon who was recently recognized with an Outstanding Contribution Award by the Surveillance Studies Network for his scholarly and intellectual contributions to the field. Read more: Surveilling Surveillance, Tuesday, July 17, 2018, Queen's Gazette
