Surveillance Studies Centre

David Lyon speaking on Pandemic Surveillance

David Lyon giving a talk in the Bradford Alumni Speakers Series on "Pandemic surveillance: from hasty responses to data justice" Tuesday 16 March, 18:00-19:00 GMT, Online

More info here

Abstract Many of the massive, global surveillance responses to the Covid-19 pandemic have been developed without sufficient thought, or sufficient reflection on previous events—like 9/11—that also...

New Podcast on Body Worn Cameras

CRSP has posted a new podcast episode about body worn cameras with contributors Drs. Alana Saulnier, Bryce Newell, Cynthia Lum, and Michael White and the host, Avery Moore Kloss, Laurier’s Podcaster-in-Residence.

Listed to the podcast here

Body-Worn Cameras: what we know and where to go February 18th, 2021 Episode Summary In this podcast, researchers...

BDS Book Published!

Big Data Surveillance and Security Intelligence: The Canadian Case Edited by David Lyon and David Murakami Wood UBC Press December 2020

For more information about the book, see here .

Interview with Dr. Sachil Singh

Algorithms can cause biases – Meet Dr. Sachil Singh Postdoctoral Fellow by Phil Gaudreau, November 2020, School of Graduate Studies, Queen's University

An interview with Dr. Singh based on his critically-significant postdoctoral research into algorithms and racial-based surveillance in the healthcare sector found on the SGS website here .

Read the Surveillance Studies Centre Annual Newsletter

See the latest Surveillance Studies Centre (SSC) Annual Newsletter here .

An update on the collaborative work of the Centre and the Big Data Surveillance Partnership over the past year (2019 - 2020).

Listen to David Murakami Wood on Spark with Nora Young

Episode on 'The Politics of Technology', CBC Radio, September 11, 2020

U.S. feud with TikTok emblematic of rise of techno-nationalism, expert says ‘It’s about platforms. It’s about technologies,’ says David Murakami Wood According to cybersecurity researcher David Murakami Wood, the U.S.'s feud with China over TikTok likely stems, in part, from an attempt on the part of U.S. President...

David Lyon’s 'The Culture of Surveillance' translated into Italian

See: La cultura della sorveglianza by David Lyon, Settembre 2020 "Altro che Grande Fratello, siamo tutti controllori" di JAIME D'ALESSANDRO, La Repubblica , 08 Settembre 2020 Esce in Italia La cultura della sorveglianza, il saggio dello studioso scozzese David Lyon. "È un fenomeno generale, ormai ciascuno di noi è una...

New Publication: Japan: High and Low Tech Responses

By David Murakami Wood, in the latest publication from the Global Data Justice project based at TILT is an open access , edited collection on Data Justice and COVID-19: Global Perspectives , edited by Linnet Taylor, Aaron Martin, Gargi Sharma and Shazade Jameson andpublished by Meatspace Press....

Lecture: Japan and COVID-19, by David Murakami Wood

Queen's University, Contagion Culture Lecture Series Mindo, Face-Masks and Fax Machines: Japan and COVID-19 David Murakami Wood, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Queen's University

Watch the video

Abstract: In June 2020, the veteran right-wing Japanese government minister, Aso Taro, described the apparent success of the country in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic as the...

David Lyon earns prestigious Molson Prize

Congratulations to David Lyon, who has been awarded the prestigious Canada Council for the Arts Molson Prize (Social Sciences and Humanities) for decades of work in surveillance studies. Here is the official announcement and here is the story in the Queen's Gazette.

Here is the story in the Kingston Whig Standard. --...
